Moray Gallery

Cheryl Sills

CHERYL SILLS achieved a BA (Hons) in Art and Design, specializing in Jewellery and Metalwork at Dundee University in Scotland.  She is now based in Auckland and renting a bench at Workshop 6. Since establishing herself in Auckland Cheryl has had many solo and collaborative shows throughout New Zealand.
‘I enjoy the process of making; of building and constructing three dimensional objects. My current body of work explores the faceted
form. I am constantly trying to evolve this concept by using alternative materials and inventing different methods of construction.’


Brooch $160.00 Pendant $250.00 Earrings $475.00 Necklace $300.00 Earrings $150.00 Necklace $750.00 Earstuds $130.00 Earrings $180.00 Earrings $180.00 Bangle $280.00 Ring $420.00 Earrings $160.00 Earrings $130.00 Earrings $120.00 Pendant $280.00 Pendant $300.00 Pendant $320.00 Pendant $350.00